2024 Ducks Tournaments
Registration Information
1) Please complete the following form to register in our Ducks tournaments for the 2024 season. In order to complete the registration process you must have the following:
- Club Name
- Team Name
- Team Level (AA or A) (if applicable)
- Coaches First and Last Name
- Coaches Email Address
- Coaches Phone Number
*Separate entries must be entered for each team AND tournament
*Teams wanting to register in age groups older than their own category must email the tournament coordinator first for approval prior to registering: jordan@ducksvolleyball.ca
2) Fill out the google document (registration link below) for the tournament you are registering in. You are not confirmed as registered in the tournament until you receive an official email confirming your spot AND payment is received. Invoices will be sent via TeamSnap after your spot has been confirmed. Credit card payment required.
*Teams withdrawing within 14 days of the tournament will not be reimbursed
*Teams withdrawing from the tournament will only be refunded if a replacement team can be found